I love comics and cartoons, my biggest skills are portraying and drawing caricatures, humans are my subject. My great abilities are quick wit and intuitive recognition. In the course of my artistic career I have developed a vast variety of styles depending on specific tasks, my professional work is characterized by permanent development. My artistic spectrum includes live art at various events, caricatures, portraits, illustrations, development of logos, cartoon and comicbook art as well as aquarell, oil and mixed techniques.
A big highlight in my artistic career was my participation in the production of the partly animated documentary “The 5 Powers”, including a 48-page comicbook, which tells the story of Thich Nhat Hanh, Sister Chan Khong und Alfred Hassler and addresses Vitnam War, Buddhism and non violent action.
In my free time I read a lot, my interests are all-embracing and I am singing and playing harp (harmonica) with my band "FUZZY RIOT".
born in Steyr
AHS Matura
1982 – 1986
Inscription art history at the University of Vienna,
Fieldwork in the Viennese local scene
1986 – 1987
Psychology in Graz
1986 – 1992
Self-educated training, Freelancing, layout, illustrations and comics for JG Wien, GPA, AI, Fön-X, etc….
Idealistic trial balloon with the newspaper project “Wendezeit”
2002 – 2003
Member of the artist group „artyshock“
seit 1992
Freelance artist, illustrations, storyboards, font and logo design for numerous national and international agencies, businesses and consumers.
for Spoat, Sportwoche, Stiegl, WTV, Kelly´s, etc.
Quick caricatures
for maxmobil, Libro, Asset Management, Kleine Zeitung, Erste, Bawag, BA/CA, Lions Club, IBM, DVB, Piestinger Bier, Vaillant, Kotanyi, Interspar, Research Austria Studios, Schenker, Kronen Zeitung and much more
for Wendezeit, “Literatur gezeichnet”, “Essen wie im Häfn” and “5 Powers” and others
Illustrations and Design
for Sportmagazin, Coca-Cola Amatil, Maresi, Ottakringer, Digital, Baumax, Arbö, Hyundai, Cash Flow, Meinl, Honda, BMW, Radatz, Villacher, M-line, Priority, MMC, Schneiders, et al
Animated GIF’s for Artyshock and „’s Häferl“ the day care center for ex-prisoners, Characterdesign, Storyboards and Lipsyncs for “5 Powers” and “Planting Seeds”
Regularly illustrating the columns of famous author Robert Schneider for the Sunday pages of Kronen Zeitung, Austria's biggest daily newspaper.
Thank you for the awesome cooperation
AHA – Puttner Bates, Büro X, CCP Heye, Demner & Merlicek, GGK, Team BBDO, Wirz, PPI, Grill+Gull, Film & Co. and all those that I could not mention. Special thanks to Martin Schicht and its small but excellent advertising agency “Local Communication”.